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Government Services
Design System for Federal Government Websites
a familiar experience, no matter which government website government entities to plan and arrange content on their websites and develop consistent, optimised and accessible websites Consistent and User-Friendly Websites
Design System for Federal Government Websites
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Survey of the new design of MOHRE website
the most important criteria for the successof the website
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Customers Feedback on GCAA's Website Design and layout
GCAA has decided to adopt a new website design/layout important for governmental entities to align the design of the website with their goals and catering to the
Customers Feedback on GCAA's Website Design and layout
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The Design of Direct/Proactive Services
customer experience, the Ministry has developed and designed
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Electronic Publications (Digital Designs)
Subject of AdviceBeing keen to enhance the participation of the community in its activities andevents with a view to achieving its vision, mission and strategic objectives,the Ministry of State for Federal National Council Affairs has endeavoured todevise tools to promote the culture of political participation in an attractiveand easy way for the reader in order to communicate the concept of the politicalparticipation culture. The said tools included, inter alia, electronicpublications and (digi.
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Your opinion on the design of our 20th media campaign
Topic of advice:Within the framework of the Zakat Fund's endeavor to promote its tasks and actions, to achieve its strategic goals, and to contribute to achieving the UAE Vision, we are pleased at the Zakat Fund to put in your hands the Zakat Fund initiative to implement an innovative media campaign according to your aspirations and impressions, by evaluating our previous media campaigns in general, and the campaign The 19th in particular, in addition to your sharing with us your opinions and su.
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Community Centric Design of the MOCCAE Strategic Plan
Topic Inline with the keenness of the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment toinvolve and enable all sectors and spectra of society to actively contribute toenriching the MOCCAE strategic plan within the fifth strategic planning cycle2023-2026, this electronic survey aims to create a participatory platform fortaking community views on future transformational projects in the environmentalsectors, food and water security and agriculture. TargetInvolvethe community in proposing trans.
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Your opinion on the design of our 19th media campaign 2022
Topic of advice:Within the framework of the Zakat Fund's endeavor to promote its tasks and actions, to achieve its strategic goals, and to contribute to achieving the UAE Vision, we are pleased at the Zakat Fund to put in your hands the Zakat Fund initiative to implement an innovative media campaign according to your aspirations and impressions, by evaluating our previous media campaigns in general, and the campaign The 18th in particular, in addition to your sharing with us your opinions and su.
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Involve the community in the design and development of the mobile application and digital services
every individual in society, and involving him in designing In order to design and develop a smartphone application
Involve the community in the design and development of the mobile application and digital services
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A discussion session on designing a service for issuing a study leaving certificate
session targeting the institution's customers entitled "Design your services with us" with the aim of designing services preferences and needs by involving them in the process of designing
A discussion session on designing a service for issuing a study leaving certificate

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