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E-Participation Policy


Our Commitment towards you

We will maintain respect and courtesy in our communications with you.

Our proficient and helpful staff will understand your needs and answer your inquiries.

We will respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.

We will provide you with accurate information and clear guidance to ensure optimal service.

We will be present to communicate with you on the channels and platforms that are most convenient for you.

We will welcome your comments and suggestions as we aim to collaborate with you in enhancing our services.


How you can help us fulfill commitment

Appreciation for the dedication of our employees in serving you and treating them with mutual respect.

Avoiding discussion or inquiry into personal topics.

Commitment to proper conduct and laws.

Respecting others and refraining from posting comments that contain inappropriate language, violate the privacy of others, or are abusive.

Refraining from posting any comments that breach security.

Avoidance of posting any information or comments that violate the intellectual property rights of others or disclose confidential information.

Supervision Policy

The Digital Government welcomes your constructive comments and feedback. Your contribution will be appreciated and considered in the discussion of improvements and enhancements for our services.

DGOV welcomes open comments and input on this platform, while reserving the right to hide any content that:

Represents a threat to security.

Includes inappropriate language.

Violates the privacy of others or is offensive.

Violates local laws.

Indecent, obscene or defamatory.

Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade.

May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of the society on the basis of race, colour, nationality, religion or status ... etc.

Includes collective or political discussions.

Contains a breach of intellectual property rights.

Not complying with this policy can lead to blocking the participant.

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