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  • Introduction:

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure is proactive in implementing the digital participation methodology to achieve its goal of improving digital services in a way that simulates the needs of every individual in society, and involving him in designing the service he needs, and how to provide it. In order to design and develop a smartphone application and digital services according to the needs of society, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has directed towards involving all sectors of society in creating and designing the website. In addition to improving the ways of creating and designing its digital services.

  • The aim of the advice:

In order to design and develop the smartphone application and digital services according to the needs of the community, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has directed towards involving all spectrums of society in the innovation and design of the mobile phone and its digital services.

  •  Make decision:

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure cares about the opinions of every member of society, and accordingly, the comments that will be contained in the advice will be taken into account when designing the smartphone application and digital services to meet the needs of the individual and know the preferred and easy way for the public to obtain their requests.

Share Your Voice

Open Date:31/08/2021

Closing Date:30/10/2021

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