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Government Services
UAE Hackathon
Join the region's largest event of its kind and participate in exploring innovative ideas.
UAE Hackathon
Content Others
How do you want the government buildings to be in 2021?
Subject:The UAE is keen to ensure that the implementation of government buildings is based on the sustainability system, green buildings and environmental conservation solutions, and therefore we invite you to share your suggestions on how to see the government buildings in 2021? Do you want government buildings after 4 years to be smart and developed? What is your opinion of the current situation of buildings? Objective:The Ministry of Infrastructure Development seeks to preserve the achie.
Content Others
ICA Congress
Advice SubjectThe National Library and Archives in Abu Dhabi will host the major archival event of the ICA Congress on October 9-13, 2023. Given the interest of the organizing committee in achieving the desired benefit from the activities of this event, the NLA looks forward to your participation that will enrich this great event, which would be an addition to the UAE's achievements. You can participate by registering via the following link:https://abudhabi2023.ae/en/registration-policy/PurposeS.
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Measuring The Level of Awareness on EHS Services
TopicEHS was established to enhance the efficiency of the country's health sector and provide various healthcare services, those services are being developed and improved to help customers around the clock. The services are also being marketed and promoted through .different channels to reach all society segments and ensure that they learn more about EHS servicesObjectiveEHS aims to measure customers' awareness of the digital services provided and know more about their feedback and suggestions t.
Content Others
Proposal for social sports initiatives for women
Topic:Social initiatives are an integral part of the GeneralAuthority of Sports' agenda, in efforts to promote sports culture in the societyand make sports a vital part of our daily lives. The Authority's initiativestarget various social groups, and is currently organizing an initiative toencourage women to participate in sports. The aim of the Counsel:Organize a social sports initiative for women fromvarious social categories, taking into account the suggestions and insightsmade by women i.
Content Publications
UAE Digital Government Maturity Model
The UAE Digital Government Maturity Model is a unified reference guide for the electronic/digital government in the UAE. It provides guidelines for all digital transformation aspects that measure the ability to create a digitally mature and sustainable government. Government entities are classified according to five levels from very low maturity to very high maturity
UAE Digital Government Maturity Model
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Consultation to Measure the Public's Satisfaction Level on the Effectiveness of the Communication Channels
About the Consultation Emirates School Establishment aims to establish effective communication channels with the public, ensuring the highest level of satisfaction for all recipients of its marketing and awareness campaigns; covering all its activities and services, the establishment seeks to gather public opinion on the content of these campaigns and their effectiveness in influencing them.Objective: The objective is to measure the public satisfaction level of awareness of Emirates Sc.
Consultation to Measure the Public's Satisfaction Level on the Effectiveness of the Communication Channels
Content Publications
UAE Digital Enablers Report 2021
The report illustrates our role in empowering government entities and society through the process of digital transformation. It includes the main digital enablers, and the milestones of the digital transformation process in the UAE since its establishment
UAE Digital Enablers Report 2021
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A consultation on TDRA Podcast
SubjectThe Telecommunications and Digital GovernmentRegulatory Authority (TDRA) plans to launch a podcast project with the aim ofraising public awareness about the latest developments in the fields ofcommunications, information technology, and digital government. Additionally,this project aims to enhance the local reputation of TDRA being responsible foroverseeing a pivotal sector that represents the cornerstone of development inall other sectors.The project represents a regular online radiobroa.
A consultation on TDRA Podcast
Content Others
Measuring the impact of Board Chairman's Decision No. (01/Chairman) of 2023 Regulating Investment Funds
:SubjectA survey was launched as part of the keen interest of the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) to measure the impact of the legislation introduced by seeking stakeholder engagement and input as a tool to improve the legislative system :ObjectiveThe SCA published this survey to measure the impact of Board Chairman's Decision No. (01/Chairman) of 2023 Regulating Investment Funds :Expected DecisionsThe SCA will take into consideration the survey results and the stakeholder i.
Measuring the impact of Board Chairman's Decision No. (01/Chairman) of 2023 Regulating Investment Funds

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