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Content Others
Share us your opinion in choosing the name of the Infrastructure museum
Consultation TopicThe Infrastructure Museum focuses enrichment of the knowledge system in the field of infrastructure
Content Others
Development of the website of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
This is done by offering digital advice toobta.
Development of the website of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
Content Others
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure Smart Mobile App
ConsultationSubject:TheMinistry of Energy and Infrastructure is proactive in implementing the digital participationmethodology to achieve its goal of improving digital services thosedigital services.Todevelop the Smart Mobile App and digital needs of thecommunity, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure Smart Mobile App
Business Services
Go Digital
The process of enabling digital transformation takes Government Sector, Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority Why Go Digital? Increasing Digital Service Usage Offers specialized Participate in Building Our Digital Future
Go Digital
Content Others
Involve the community in the design and development of the mobile application and digital services
Introduction:The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure is proactive in implementing the digital participation methodology to achieve its goal of improving digital to design and develop a smartphone application and digital the needs of society, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
Involve the community in the design and development of the mobile application and digital services
Business Others
Deputy Director General of the Information & Digital Government Sector, Telecommunications and Digital Digital Marketplace High-quality learning programs services, systems, and infrastructure that empower
Content Others
Customer satisfaction about MOEI App
Customer satisfaction about the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure to design and develop a smartphone application and digital needs of societyDecision:The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure account when designing the smartphone application and digital
Content Publications
Digital Customer and Digital Government Service Policy
Main Components Prioritising the provision of digital Proactive digital government services Streamlining Digital Government Enablers Consolidating all government Unified Digital Platform Initiatives to build trust and raise awareness about the digital services offered
Digital Customer and Digital Government Service Policy
Content Others
Digital identity
and Emiratisation has begun to adopt the use of the digital Relying onfuture technology, the digital identity provides documents digitallysigned and validated through the digital
Content Others
Digital Transformation
Examples of digital transformationimplemented by the
Digital Transformation

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