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Transforming Citizen-Government Interaction with AI

A generative AI chatbot streamlining government service access.


U-Ask, a chatbot powered by generative AI, responds to inquiries regarding government services through conversational interaction. Its objective is to streamline users' access to government service information, eliminating the need to navigate various government websites. It stands out for delivering accurate and precise responses in both Arabic and English, and it can translate answers into 28 additional languages, simplifying visitors' access to required information and services.


Prior to the introduction of U-Ask, residents, visitors, and businesses in the UAE encountered significant challenges when seeking information about government services. The existing system required users to navigate various websites, contact multiple government departments, and often deal with inconsistent or outdated information. This fragmented approach led to inefficiencies, frustration, misinformation, and an increased volume of complaints. The primary challenge was to create a unified platform that could provide reliable and timely information, reduce the need for direct human intervention, and enhance the overall user experience.


It addresses the problem of decentralized information by providing comprehensive details, personalized recommendations, and a conversational interface. Utilizing Generative AI technology, it delivers accurate and up-to-date information in Arabic and English. Through innovative data-driven approaches, such as natural language processing and machine learning, the chatbot understands user inquiries and provides prompt responses. This initiative leverages emerging technologies to enhance the user experience, streamline communication, and improve operational efficiency. The implementation of U-Ask enabled TDRA to prioritize customer-centricity and optimize government-citizen interactions.


Since its launch, U-Ask has handled over 300,000 queries, achieving an exceptional 99.7% acceptance rate, showcasing its ability to manage large volumes of interactions without compromising performance. Its success not only demonstrates the potential of AI-driven solutions in public service but also sets a benchmark for other governments and organizations looking to implement similar initiatives.




Queries Handled


Acceptance Rate


Languages | Multilingual Support




U-Ask use version 1.8 of GPT4-Turbo 128K. Notably, we are the first to utilize GPT4-Turbo 128K in our industry. This proactive approach ensures that we remain one step ahead in the evolving field of technology advancement, and aligns with our strategic objective of strengthening U-Asks role as an industry leader.




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