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Mouwasat Service
Counseling TopicMouwasat is a social service provided This service is requested via the contactnumber available
Mouwasat Service
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Minor payment service
2021 towards SmartGovernment, a  Minor payment service
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MoCCaE:Upgrading e-Services
SubjectAs part of our endeavors to upgrade oure-Services nbsp;andacquainted our customers are with MOCCAE e-Services feedback and reflect the required changes on thee-Services
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Proactive Services Survey
HCT) are committedto providing proactive electronic services The Student Service Development, in collaboration with AlumniDepartment, has worked on a package of proactive services satisfaction of HCT graduates with thepackage of proactive services
Proactive Services Survey
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Introducing of "Taqyeem" Service
Objective: to ensure the provision of services in accordance Emiratisation to ensure the efficient delivery of services andadherence to the service criteria in accordance The Ministry has developed "Taqyeem"service centers to activate the services of providing information
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Zakat statistics request service
provide the community with innovative and pioneering services Fund to put in your hands the trial version of a service us your opinion about the appropriateness of the service
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Measure awareness of the authority's services
ofthe General Sports Authority to provide the best services
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Awareness of the Industry Sector services
better determine channels ofcommunication for MoIAT services
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Creating awareness on MoF's services
MoFis keen to educate customers about its smart and e-services
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E-Consultation about Proactive service
this survey to assist satisfaction for the proactive services

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