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Content Others
E-Participation Policy
complying with this policy can lead to blocking the participant
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Political Participation Newsletter Event
Subjectof AdviceBeing keen to enhance the participation
Content Publications
Digital Participation Guidelines & Playbook
Participation (or E-Participation), can be defined 2003, the United Nations has been publishing the E-Participation with the aim of measuring and comparing the use of e-participation dimensions: e-information, e-consultation, and e-decision Appendices Terms Definition EPI E-Participation Index
Digital Participation Guidelines & Playbook
Content Publications
Digital Participation Specialist Booklet
Definition, inclusion, and classification of Digital Participation Digital Participation The practices and tools for the consultation, collaboration and empowerment, and participation Practices and Tools The public participation principles Public Participation
Digital Participation Specialist Booklet
Content Others
Digital participation for renaming services after merging
SubjectAs part of the Ministry of Health and Prevention endeavor to develop services in line with customers' needs and preferences, the Ministry seeks to design services that meet customers' needs in a proactive manner.ObjectiveThe advice aims to engage the public through their opinions and suggestions to propose a new name for the service after merging the "Sick Leaves and Medical Reports" service and the "Accreditation of Leaves and Medical Reports" service within one service that facilitates .
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FAHR: Stimulating participation in "Estiqtab" Platform
Authorityseeks to motivate Federal Government employees to participate
FAHR: Stimulating participation in "Estiqtab" Platform
Content Others
MOHAP Digital Participation on Premarital counselling service
SubjectIn line with the Ministry of Health and Prevention's keenness to provide comprehensive and innovative health services to strengthen the preventive aspect. MoHAP provide the Premarital counselling service aims to enables individuals to request the necessary medical counselling for a premarital examination to ensure that they are free of genetic and sexually transmitted diseases in order to provide advice and recommendations, and to ensure a healthy society and children free of genetic dise.
Content Others
MOHAP Digital Participation on Blood Donation Program
SubjectAs part of the MOHAP continuous efforts to develop work mechanisms and identify the needs of blood transfusion centres and blood banks, especially in light of COVID-19 pandemic. The Ministry stressed the continuation of blood donation campaigns in the state, in accordance with the best standards adopted by international entities through achieving the highest rates of safety and accuracy in dealing with blood units, to support the strategic stock of blood banks in the countryObjectivesThe .
Content Others
MOHAP Digital Participation on Smart Patient Portal
SubjectIn line with developing smart electronic services and providing a distinct experience for its customers, the Ministry of Health and Prevention is working to improve the patient's smart portal and monitoring the public's proposals that contribute to the modernization of the portal services and development of health information systems in line with Government Excellence System, Smart Government Initiative and National Agenda Vision 2021 to achieve a health system with international standard.
Individual Services
Digital Participation Sharik.ae encourages co-creation is a platform designed to enhance interaction and e-participation Promoting E-Participation

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