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This Digital Data Interoperability Implementation Guide is a part of the UAE’s Digital Data Framework. It shows a typical process that an entity might go through, supported by the five guidance notes, to implement the digital data interoperability framework in a phased process over time.
Provides entities with guidance on governance roles and processes to support implementation of the UAE Digital Data Interoperability Framework.
Provides a recommended process, templates and supporting guidance for each government entity to build its own roadmap for implementing the UAE Digital Data Interoperability Framework.
Describes how to create a list of datasets which are collected, managed or maintained by the entity, and helps entities ensure that the most valuable data assets are listed as an initial priority, and then to expand the inventory over time.
Provides criteria and a clear process for prioritising the order in which digital datasets should be made conformant to the standards prior to their publication or exchange.
Outlines the process that entities are recommended to follow to ensure their data conforms with the digital data interoperability standards, and is ready for publication and exchange.